It’s War – But Who and What is the Real Enemy?

It’s wartime. It all started in China. Of course, again, they blame the “bad boy.” It spread fast. It went from a local conflict to a world war, quickly. But that shouldn’t be a total surprise. Predictions of a third world war have been in the forecast for a long time.

Countries all over the planet have prepared themselves for it. Some built bunkers, some stocked up on airplanes or warships. Some trained their soldiers in combat, some invested in rocketry and satellites. Others experimented with chemical weapons.

Governments act like the enemy is sitting right at their border. They think that by closing them they will keep the enemy out. The European Union is falling apart. Borders between the countries are reinstated and Customs officials all of a sudden have their jobs back. Citizens are warned that crossing the border might be restricted or impossible. Schools are closed. Shops are closed. Only food stores and other essentials are allowed to stay open. The old-timers remember the last world war when there were shortages on food and many other items. The young and old are starting to panic and stock up on groceries and other necessities, namely toilet paper.

The difference is, this time no one has really seen the enemy, no one knows what it looks like. It could be hiding anywhere and everywhere. The governments advise their people not to touch each other, to keep a distance of at least two meters between them. Offices have been closed down and people are told to work from home whenever possible. In many places, police are patrolling, making sure that everyone obeys the new temporary laws. Some countries have even initiated roadblocks and curfews. Some call it Lockdown while others refer to it as Quarantine. Whichever term is used, most people obey and voluntarily imprison themselves in their own homes – out of fear.

But who is the enemy? Some say it is a virus – Corona Virus or Sars Covid 19 as it is called by its exact name. The military is not prepared for an enemy like this and neither are the politicians. Experts are called in. Who are they? Physicians, Virologists, and Epidemiologists, to name a few. They all have different views. To whom should one listen? Who should one believe? This starts another war between experts in the field and the bureaucrats, professionals, laymen, scientists, and politicians. And, even between the younger and older generations.

After many weeks, the enemy “Corona-Virus” seems to be beaten, at least here in Switzerland and most other European countries. The opening of stores, schools, and hairdresser studios are in sight. It’s still a long way to going back to “normal,” but it’s a start, even if it becomes a different “normal.” This is true after any war.

In our current situation, however, there is still the remaining question: who is the real enemy?

If it is the virus, then it actually should unite the whole world since we all are affected by it, in one way or another. But since everyone reacts differently to a threat or an unknown situation, the enemy might be our own emotions. Something like fear or even worse, panic. Although most people know that fear never really helps, especially in situations like this, we still get caught up in it. Why? We are not trained to handle fear.

We have become so accustom to feeling fear, we accept it as a normal state of being. I think, yes, it is a natural emotion within us humans, but on the other hand, if we know it can be our worst enemy, why do we not prepare ourselves as we do for other disasters. No outside institution can help us when fear hits. The military, politicians, our government, our scientist nor any other outside force will be of any use. Not even a psychologist or psychiatrist. They can offer guidelines on how to handle fear. They can help us learn to understand and tackle our fears so we can build our own psychological tools and teach us how to use them. And finally, like in all situations of war, we have to develop the tools to become skillful.

My training against the battle of fear starts with becoming courageous in all situations, standing up for myself and my truth, practicing mindfulness, listening to my inner voice and to . . .

“Offer my brother the gift of lilies, not the crown of thorns:                                           the gift of love and not the “gift” of fear.”

(“A Course in Miracles” / Thought from the Foundation for Inner Peace.)




Lily of Love (painting by Spar Street)