Autogenic Training (AT)

The purpose of this technique is to learn to relax at any given moment of the day to prevent the effects of chronic stress. It also teaches you that YOU are in command of how you feel.

The technique consists of six simple exercises that offer tremendous benefit and return your body to a natural even flow.

AT works with two components:

  • Affirmations (verbal commands you mentally give yourself)
  • Visualizations (mental pictures you create in your head with your imagination)

AT is very easy to learn and does not take up a lot of your time. You do the exercise 3 times a day. It is one of the most efficient ways to shake off built up tension and stress during the day.

In the early 1930s a German physician, Dr. J.H.Schultz, ahead of his time, engineered this specific technique incorporating elements of both Yoga and Hypnosis. He realized that as beings inseparable from body, mind and spirit that our body responded to verbal commands. And, he noticed that when we added a mental picture created with our imagination to those commands, our responses were enhanced.

AT is widely known in the German speaking parts of Europe where its effectiveness has been clinically tested and proven.

Autogenic Training is often prescribed by doctors for:

  • Stress symptoms of any type
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Fear (of exams, pressure in sports, etc.)
  • Psychosomatic disorders of any type
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Heart-surgery rehabilitation
  • Preventative measures
  • And many more…

Learn this exciting relaxation technique NOW.
The Autogenic Training audio-course contains
7 audio files and an illustrated e-book.
You can visually and audibly follow along.

Click here for free ebook.