A Father’s Love

We all know a mother’s love. It is praised as “THE LOVE,” the love we all hopefully experienced when we were helpless babies, completely dependent on someone to take care of us. If one does not get enough of this kind of love in early childhood, there could be difficulties later on.

But what is a father’s love? How important is it? I’m sure there are dozens of Psychology books on the subject, so I won’t go into that now.

I had the chance to experience a father’s love through a picture that was sent to me. The photo was of a young father embracing his two little children, a baby girl of about six months and his close to three-year-old son. His body language spoke for itself and touched me beyond words. I could not help crying.

The young man’s face was so tender, his arms gently holding his two precious gems suggesting support. His eyes were closed and I could see that he was fully there, in the present moment of his intimate embrace.

His lips turned up in just a hint of a smile displaying his deep contentment for this unique moment. His head was bent slightly, touching the crown of his son’s golden blond hair, his left arm around his shoulders. I’m guessing that his other arm was holding his baby daughter, her face peeking out behind her brother’s body, her clear blue eyes and facial expression glowing with innocence and the kind of confidence you only find in small children’s faces.

What a fortunate shot for the photographer who happens to be the mother of the two children and the father’s spouse. What a beautiful picture she managed to capture of a moment in one’s life. What a lucky and proud wife she must be!

I am in wonder. I know this man. He is an orthopedic surgeon. His job is to cut into human flesh and if necessary, break bones in order to help someone in crisis. He is responsible for making tough decisions, sometimes over life or death. And yet there is this other side of him, the soft side, the motherly side of him that is capable of showing tenderness, gentleness, and protection for his children – how beautiful to see!

I have noticed that nowadays many young men his age are able and dare to show their tender side. What a promising sign for our world! What reassuring hope for our future! A mother’s love carried out through men!

My thoughts wander to my own childhood. Did I have a father like this? He died when I was 23. I remember him telling me about my older sister and my births. He was present. He told me that to watch our births was some of the most touching moments of his life. Yes, I do remember he showed emotions and was soft and gentle, too. It’s comforting for me to remember this.

If I did not remember my father’s caring, it would not matter. I have seen this father and these lucky children. Even if I had no father at all, looking at this picture would make up for the one I might have missed. Why? Because this father is my son, the youngest of my three boys, the father of my two grandchildren. How blessed I am to see a mother’s love in him!